Nikka Whisky from the Barrel Japanese Whisky 500ml
Nikka is a story of two very unique distilleries and one very important individual who helped create the Japanese whisky landscape. Founder Masataka Taketsuru is known as the father of Japanese whisky when in 1918 he visited Scotland to embark on his life long ambition to make genuine whisky.He became the first Japanese ever to master how to make it. First hired by Kotobukiya Limited (Suntory) to help build the Yamazaki Distillery in 1923 and in turn produce the first genuine whisky in Japan. Nikka boast two very different distilleries Yoichi Distillery first produced distillate in 1936 (North) and Miyagikyo Distillery (central) opened in 1969. Nikka have there own bottling plant and also boast one of the largest offerings in Japan.
Nikka from the Barrel was created to deliver full flavours and richness of whisky “from barrels” which only blenders can sniff and taste. As the whisky contains so many characteristic components at a higher abv of 51.%, it is essential to let the liquid “marriage” in refill casks for 3-6 months for it to stabilise and harmonize.
This Japanese blended whisky is an exceptional summer whisky which is excellent over ice or kept in the fridge.